Thursday, February 24, 2011

Productive Day I'd Say!

mood board and model basically done! the snow definitely sparked my 'get it done' trigger.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lots of Details

So I've decided on doing a Victorian-Queen Anne inspired design for my actual treehouse. The idea is that the house itself was thrown into my tree by a tornado (to make it look inhabitable) but on the inside the floors are level and its actually quite nice. Now time to execute.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My new obsession

meet Alexa Meade, above is an actual photograph of her. 
yeah... I'm not kidding.
basically what she does is paints real life people to look like paintings, then photographs them.
I'm in awe. Go check her out at you won't regret it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wayfinding... getting serious.

Proud to say... my group made a pretty awesome sign today in class. Above is the sign without the directional arrows that the users will use to navigate. We'll use these signs by putting them up at troublesome places/intersections that comes up on our route.... and through tests we found that....

That will be our route. Now its time to start some more testing....


My group started with the situation being....

"Anyone without a KU parking permit that is trying to get to the main floor of the Kansas Union from 15th St. and Iowa."

It seemed simple enough, and definitely specific, but what we didn't realize it is that navigating through the parking garage is a task all in its own, so we decided to change our situation to....

"Anyone without a KU parking permit that is trying to get to the Kansas Union Parking Garage from 15th St. and Iowa."

Its sort of awesome because another group in my class is using "How to get to the Kansas Union from the Kansas Union parking garage", so when we combine forces, someone could find their way to the Union from 15th and Iowa. Pretty kick-ass I'd say.