Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I've decided on doing and metal frame/case for my book. Definitely going to do the tunnel book that also functions as a readable book with each page being a distinct part of the experience. Those distinct parts will be...

- The fear as shown through a girl crying/scared (the drawing I posted yesterday)
- The actual damage/aftermath
- An interpretation of the luck/hope (thinking of doing an illustration of the American Flag still soaring above all the destruction)

So far thats all I got, still brainstorming.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First Drawing

got one drawing done for my experience
having trouble deciding on what else to do


so I'm really fascinated with Bill Sienkiewicz right now and his dark and dirty style. I really love the portrait on Dexter Morgan where there are many marks and from afar it look like a mess with a face barely peering through. The blood splatters atop the drawing also really add and I like the subtleness of the piece as a whole. I'd really like to incorporate his easy going down and dirty style because its a little dark and makes you a little uncomfortable... which is the feel of experiencing a tornado.


Monday, March 28, 2011

My Experience

I mixed a few different medias playing with sound, psych, and striking images. Hope it works!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

06/11/08 Manhattan, KS Tornado (Incredible sky cam footage)

More Dexter...

so the opening credits for this amazing show always gross me out, but after watching some re-runs today.... I got a little inspired.
this almost 2 minute video captures Dexter's morning routine very wonderfully. It triggered some thoughts in my brain about our current project and capturing a short event (like your morning routine) and portraying it accurately; making you feel like you are there, imagine the smells, imagining how it would physically feel.

time to go back to the drawing board I'd say

Dark Echo Chapter Three

Beautiful illustrations... there's a reason why I love Dexter so much.
Thinking about using this style as inspiration for my book.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I think I got it....

after seeing everyone else's posters and seeing mine in real life and hearing what everyone had to say, I did a lot of editing and I got a poster I'm proud of.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

got it!

now I just need to add color, other than that... I'm just about done with the outer decor