Monday, November 8, 2010


So we have a lot of work to do before tomorrow

_ Identify at least 10 locations on campus (inside and outside). 
_ Print out your word
_ Take photos of the locations with a print out of your word. 
_ Post the all the images on your blog, identify your top 3 and why these locations? How do they/ how could they affect meaning? 
_ As a group decide on your top 3 location. 
_ How are you going to build your letters? 
_ Choose one letter in your word and make six construction studies.
_Construct at least six 3 inch studies on how you can construct a letter out of cardboard (you can use any paper/board for your studies). 

This is how I was thinking we'd get this done.....

These are our locations so far:
1. tunnel
2. chapel
3. hill (Daisy Hill)
4. bike rack
5. through a window
6. in the street with traffic lines
7. at wescoe in front of different cliques
8. ? (THINK UP SOMETHING...because we already have our final location)
9. ? (THINK UP SOMETHING...because we already have our final location)
10. ? (THINK UP SOMETHING...because we already have our final location)

These are our different ways of constructing the letters:
1. foam core inside put together with hot glue
2. foam core inside put together with tape (DONE)
3. cardboard inside put together with hot glue
4. wire inside
5. foam core inside with construction paper lining the foam core
6. wire AND foam core inside


David: print out and photograph our word in location numbers; 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9

Shannon: print out and photograph our word in location numbers; 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

Alex: construct the letter F using ways 4 and 6 (just test out because we probably won't use those ways for our final, if it doesn't stay together its still a way and counts as our 6 ways)

Kassidee: construct the letter F using ways 1, 3, and 5

MAKE SURE to put the photographs on your blogs so that we can decide on the top 3! we can decide together what the top 3 are once the photos are posted and each reflect on how do they/ how could they affect the meaning of the word.

Does this battle plan work for everyone?

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