Thursday, September 30, 2010

The eyelash curler; my demise

So at the start of this project I was strolling alone just fine, throwing out sketches like it was nobody's business but now that we've been assigned 16 different requirements that need 20 images each... I'm stuck

Going in I thought an eyelash curler would be kind of cool to work with for about a month, that it was simple, yet complex enough to stay interesting and I would be able to do a lot with it...

But I came to find that there were a few pieces of the object that I had to include in every sketch or else the object was unrecognizable and easily confused with scissors or something of the sort.

I do like a challenge and its keeping me focused and wanting to just finish this project and come up with something entirely awesome, so that is good. But after this I definitely will never be able to look at an eyelash curler in the same way.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Iconography? Count me in!

Iconography stems from many different sources, basically its in everything and everywhere you look.

You see the image to the left and automatically think of Christianity without a single word being spoken. All you need to see is a portrait of Jesus and you're set.

This can be said for most every religion, and the earliest records of iconography are in Hindu art (I learned that is my Asian Art history class) where a something as simple as a wheel can represent Buddha and his teachings, his beliefs... basically what is represents is limitless.

Now something like a swastika can also be called an icon. Its a multifaceted icon, but an icon none the less. It represents as much as a picture of Christ if not more, but its a little easier to dissect.

Lets think.... what do I see when I'm presented with an image of a swastika?
1. Hitler
2. Nazis
3. The persecution of Jews
4. Dictatorship
5. Suffering
... I could go on for days. But the question is, how can you represent a simple hand tool with an icon and get it to be as 'recognizable' as Christ or a swastika, or be able to represent a bigger whole with a simple representation? This shall be a challenge....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Silly Video!

So while watching that silly video with Mr. Moustache in class on Thursday I caught a few things.

1. Design vs. Invention : He expressed how a lot of what they do is design in invention, where no matter if they are creating something new or just making it look good it is a new creation; an invention.

2.They are not experts, just experts in the process of invention.

3.They build off of wild ideas : in the business they would much rather start with a crazy idea like talking toliet paper then something boring and already done.

4. Its better to ask for forgiveness than for permission : try out your ideas, don't let others control when you're allowed to be creative

Thats about it!

S.P. Muh Dream

Scott Pilgrim.

I want to be able to make something like that.

Friday, September 3, 2010

What is 'natural' anyway?

So we've been hearing in Think & Make, that nature is the only thing that isn't designed in our world.... but I disagree. I feel like, if it exists it was designed. Who knows if God made trees bend and become enchanted forests or if Martha Stewart just has eternal life and came up with the concept that leaves change colors with the seasons. No one can say for sure, but I implore you to just look at this image and tell me this tree's beautiful design just happened because of happenstance.

The bark on this tree is a very white color (obviously this photo has been edited, but I only edited it to exaggerate the trees features) Now like Aspen trees, the white bark is accented with black lines of 'age'. Added to that, the tree is very tall, lofty and righteous, but atop it is a very soft detail; branches covered with leaves. Now the structure of the tree's body is very... unique. Whereas most trees just grow with a fixed width of the trunk, this one in particular looks as if the bark is growing in waves up the body of this tree.

So after that disection, how can anyone honestly say that nature is the only thing in this world that is not designed? If anything it is the most carefully design aspect of the human world.... now if we could just figure out who the designer is that would be wonderful.