Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Iconography? Count me in!

Iconography stems from many different sources, basically its in everything and everywhere you look.

You see the image to the left and automatically think of Christianity without a single word being spoken. All you need to see is a portrait of Jesus and you're set.

This can be said for most every religion, and the earliest records of iconography are in Hindu art (I learned that is my Asian Art history class) where a something as simple as a wheel can represent Buddha and his teachings, his beliefs... basically what is represents is limitless.

Now something like a swastika can also be called an icon. Its a multifaceted icon, but an icon none the less. It represents as much as a picture of Christ if not more, but its a little easier to dissect.

Lets think.... what do I see when I'm presented with an image of a swastika?
1. Hitler
2. Nazis
3. The persecution of Jews
4. Dictatorship
5. Suffering
... I could go on for days. But the question is, how can you represent a simple hand tool with an icon and get it to be as 'recognizable' as Christ or a swastika, or be able to represent a bigger whole with a simple representation? This shall be a challenge....

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