Friday, September 3, 2010

What is 'natural' anyway?

So we've been hearing in Think & Make, that nature is the only thing that isn't designed in our world.... but I disagree. I feel like, if it exists it was designed. Who knows if God made trees bend and become enchanted forests or if Martha Stewart just has eternal life and came up with the concept that leaves change colors with the seasons. No one can say for sure, but I implore you to just look at this image and tell me this tree's beautiful design just happened because of happenstance.

The bark on this tree is a very white color (obviously this photo has been edited, but I only edited it to exaggerate the trees features) Now like Aspen trees, the white bark is accented with black lines of 'age'. Added to that, the tree is very tall, lofty and righteous, but atop it is a very soft detail; branches covered with leaves. Now the structure of the tree's body is very... unique. Whereas most trees just grow with a fixed width of the trunk, this one in particular looks as if the bark is growing in waves up the body of this tree.

So after that disection, how can anyone honestly say that nature is the only thing in this world that is not designed? If anything it is the most carefully design aspect of the human world.... now if we could just figure out who the designer is that would be wonderful.

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