Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm stressing out

So I got my chair done a while ago right? well that was the structure are basic framework and I've been working on dressing it up and polishing it up. Plan for today was as follows;

Go to Jewelry class and finish half of my project in there
At noon work on finishing up my chair
At 2 go and file down my frame

Here's what ended up happening.

Went to Jewelry.... got frustrated and ended up being in there until 3 finishing what I needed to get done today.
Took a much needed break and ate.
Worked on my chair from about 3:45-5:15 ONLY getting one side's side panels one minus one.
Got home at 5:45 and had to work on Drawing Media stuff until about 6:30
And then I've been at rehearsal since then.

So what I'm trying to say is.... my chair won't be complete tomorrow for class and I'll need about a half hour to get it ready to take a picture. I'm FRUSTRATED

Monday, May 9, 2011


I'm going really simple with my frame, incorporating the curve of my chair in the two rounded sides, and the straight lines with the flat two sides. I wasn't sure how to make this out of cardboard so I made it on google-sketchup, so I hope that works! I also got some white matte board. Really just going for a clean look that I know I can get to look wonderful by the time its done instead of going with my original idea of having a crazy face-plate, because if there is one thing I've learned, its that I bite off a little more than I can chew quite often. This time I'm choosing a doable design, because I want to end this semester on a good note.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


these bottom two are two other new choices as well

do you like the changes? the originals are on the left, and the new ones are on the right.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

so I added some detail but have NO clue have to go about doing the curves. my original plan was to cut out the silhouette/shape of the curved edge and just glue that on the side, but that didn't happen today. we'll see what I come up with. 

Monday, May 2, 2011


So I've been in jewelry studio since 1 and just realized what time it was..... DANGIT!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Got all I can done!

So I have it sittable, and all the sides are covered. PROUD OF MYSELF! Put probably 20 hours in on this chair so far, but I don't regret it, just am glad I really committed to this. 

What I have left to do....
1. Either tape the edges or find some other alternative.
             -I really like Ali's from Jeremy's class with the packaging tape on all the edges, looks really clean, my only worry is that with some many curves in my design tape isn't going to really work, but we can talk about other ideas on Tuesday.
2. Make the cutout (more like decal) designs for the sides. I still haven't decided completely one what exactly I want those designs to look like, but I have some ideas, just need to get them down on paper.

Other than that, I'm done. I'm so psyched to see the final product because not to brag..... but it looks pretty kick ass right now!

slowly but surely

ALMOST THERE!... kind of

Friday, April 29, 2011

FINISHED!.... the inside structure for the seat

so I got the structure of the seat done, and when I sat on it the length of the part that is the length of my femur is PERFECT, literally goes right where the bend in my knee is. HAPPY AM I! to do the support structure for the back AND glue on the other silhouette pieces AND glue on the face of the whole thing. So only 6 more hours of work? Oh and I suck at measuring so I wasted so much cardboard already so.... more cardboard to buy. Also kinda pissed because I got a pack of glue sticks Thursday, and someone stole all but 5 sticks. Real nice.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Played with the profile view...


Pretty good model

and by pretty good model I'm talking about Trichelle. ANYWAY I glued together my model and it supports Trichelle and the proportions are great.

Made some models...

so I made a basic model just to get where the cuts would be so it would function as a chair and played with a cutout (ribcage, shoulder-blade sort of idea)


made this second model and cut the pieces and am currently glueing them together to make them stay without tape.... and I also added a piece to follow the torso all the way down to the floor for extra support.