Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm stressing out

So I got my chair done a while ago right? well that was the structure are basic framework and I've been working on dressing it up and polishing it up. Plan for today was as follows;

Go to Jewelry class and finish half of my project in there
At noon work on finishing up my chair
At 2 go and file down my frame

Here's what ended up happening.

Went to Jewelry.... got frustrated and ended up being in there until 3 finishing what I needed to get done today.
Took a much needed break and ate.
Worked on my chair from about 3:45-5:15 ONLY getting one side's side panels one minus one.
Got home at 5:45 and had to work on Drawing Media stuff until about 6:30
And then I've been at rehearsal since then.

So what I'm trying to say is.... my chair won't be complete tomorrow for class and I'll need about a half hour to get it ready to take a picture. I'm FRUSTRATED

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize you were taking three studios. That is too much with Think & Make. No wonder you are stressed. are almost done.
