Friday, April 29, 2011

FINISHED!.... the inside structure for the seat

so I got the structure of the seat done, and when I sat on it the length of the part that is the length of my femur is PERFECT, literally goes right where the bend in my knee is. HAPPY AM I! to do the support structure for the back AND glue on the other silhouette pieces AND glue on the face of the whole thing. So only 6 more hours of work? Oh and I suck at measuring so I wasted so much cardboard already so.... more cardboard to buy. Also kinda pissed because I got a pack of glue sticks Thursday, and someone stole all but 5 sticks. Real nice.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Played with the profile view...


Pretty good model

and by pretty good model I'm talking about Trichelle. ANYWAY I glued together my model and it supports Trichelle and the proportions are great.

Made some models...

so I made a basic model just to get where the cuts would be so it would function as a chair and played with a cutout (ribcage, shoulder-blade sort of idea)


made this second model and cut the pieces and am currently glueing them together to make them stay without tape.... and I also added a piece to follow the torso all the way down to the floor for extra support.

Queen Anne Chair - Robert Venturi

This chair was designed to showcase "feminized elegance of the early eighteenth century to create a chair that looks forward just as much as it dares to look back"

"To Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's famous maxim 'less is more', he retorted 'less is a bore'

"The Quuen Anne chair is far from being a pastiche, however: it is an example of how designers can draw inspiration from anywhere and any time and still make work that is forward-looking and meaningful"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

finished my jewelry piece

not that it much pertains to BDS 102, but I finished my jewelry piece I'd been working on simultaneously alongside the book. just thought I'd share! 

at the architecture library

love the classicness of the shape mixed with the use of plastic as the material

the bottom left one is just kinda fun I thought

the scan doesn't look great, but in the photo on the right, I love the balance of colors in all the chairs, where the cushion is slightly lighter than the metal/wood, makes it look very sophisticated

the middle picture on the right just really struck me and fun

the bottom left one is cool, thinking of different way to USE a chair

really enjoy the pattern on the chair, makes simple shape thats pretty cookie cutter, very original

I absolutely love these two with all my heart

like the idea with the one on the right, where its an abstract shape formed into a simple chair structure

like the fabric on the bottom right one better than the chair itself

this might be my favorite

like the top right and top left chairs. fun patterns with simple structures

another fun shape

love the bold shape and bold pattern on the fabric

how could I not include this guy?

don't really like the chair, but I like that is has dual functions

the top right one is just kind of fun

i like the whole style and aesthetic of the one on the top right

love the flowers coming out of the back of the chair, really adds to a simple construction of the chair

this one is so beautiful.

I want this chair.

LOVE THIS ONE everything about it

after seeing this is 3 separate books.... I kinda started to like it

beautifully simple

love the shape and clunkiness of the chairs on the right

LOVE the simplicity and bold, clean colors

I love the feel of the chairs in the environment on the right.

so I scanned in a bunch of pictures of chairs I like.... time to narrow it down.