Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm not at lecture because I'm crying

yes. I'm pathetic. I finished one book and I hate how it looks. I don't want to make the second one... well can't yet anyway because one of my pages ripped. I'm just not happy. I have put so much time and effort and thought into this book and its not working out and doesn't look good and I know I'm probably going to get a bad grade because the craft looks horrible.

this is not how I thought this project would turn out. I actually liked this project... and its just getting the best of me.

1 comment:

  1. I saw your blog post and will reply also on the blog to make sure you see this. You have been the one student in the class that had everything together and on time, so I thought your book was progressing well. Still, weird things can happen when you put it all together. Bring what you have tomorrow so you and I can talk about it and decide how to finish your book so that you are pleased with the result. I think what you had so far is great, so I'll extend the deadline for you. Tomorrow, we can determine what needs to be changed and when to turn it in.

