Monday, April 18, 2011

I. Am. Angry

I have been keeping myself working, trying to spread the workload out so that I wouldn't be in the stressed out mood I am in right now. This whole week I have been struggling with my dang book cover. My original idea of making my own hinge failed. I idea of using pre-existing hinges from the hardware store failed, using fabric failed. SO I moved on and used this funky glossy transparent paper I got for free at the shop here in the A&D building. Its pretty thick, and is holding... but it is NOT AT ALL what I wanted.

Right now I'm about to throw my book at a wall and call it quits, because with all this trying different things.... the spacing is now off and my the tunnel book aspect of my book isn't laying out right.

Hopefully I'll get it pulled together before tomorrow, because I have put way too much time and energy and thought into this dang book to not figure out a way to finish it.

Okay.... I'm done ranting now.

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