Saturday, April 9, 2011

Test Dummy

So I made a quick test dummy and aside from a couple placement issues on the layering in photoshop, I'm pretty pleased with the pages themselves and how the images look together. I printed on the matte printer, so the paper was actually thick enough where just glueing the two pages together made a pretty sturdy page BUT binding is a whole other issue.

I originally planned on binding how I have it shone... only problem is the jump rings have to be big enough so the book can open, and that it makes the book when its closed not line up correctly, and it doesn't look near as clean as I had hoped. My new plan is to bind the book like a classic book, but make the front and back cover out of metal leaving the circle in the front cover open so you can still view the book. I might play with making the the covers the exact shape of the book (so it wouldn't be a square, would fit to cover the tree and the clouds that extend off the page). 

I also want to play with leaving a pocket between the pages that are currently glued together to have a spot to put in a spacer so you can view each page individually as well (maybe with an accordion fold?). Think is would be awesome, just need to figure out how to do it.

No matter what I choose... I have a lot of work this week, and its gonna cost a fortune to print...

1 comment:

  1. Your book looks good. Bring it in Monday or early Tuesday to show Jeremy.

    You could use a concertina binding and slip the concertina fold between the pages, which wouldn't use up any space on your pages and would look sharp. I've printed on all the printers and think the most affordable is the roll paper HP.

